Subcontractor Package
By company policy we will not be able to issue you a check for work completed until we have received all forms.
The following forms and/or items are required
and will be requested at the acceptance of form items above:
1) 2018 Subcontractor Standard Payment Process
2) W-9 Form
3) Current Certificate of Insurance, the following:
• Worker’s Compensation/Employer’s Liability
a. Statutory Limits: $1,000,000 Bodily Injury Each Accident
b. $1,000,000 Bodily Injury by Disease Each Employee
c. $1,000,000 Bodily Injury by Disease Policy Limits
• Commercial General Liability, typically shall be issued on an occurrence basis or as follows
a. Bodily Injury / Property Damage, $1,000,000 each occurrence
b. General Aggregate, $2,000,000
c. Contractual Liability, $2,000,000 each occurrence
d. Personal & Advertising Injury, $1,000,000 for each occurrence
e. Products/Completed Operations, $2,000,000 per project aggregate
f. Premises Damage Legal Liability
g. $1,000,000 each occurrence
h. Medical payment to any one person $1,000,000
• Commercial Automobile Liability (if required by Skyler)
a. Combined Single Limit, $1,000,000 for each accident
• All MEP subcontractors and any other subcontractor who will perform work on a Project site where the aggregate amount to be paid to the subcontractor totals >$1,000,000 or more shall maintain the following minimum limits of liability:
a. $3,000,000 each occurrence
b. $5,000,000 general aggregate
• Umbrella or Excess Liability Insurance (occurrence basis, if required by Skyler)
a. Bodily Injury/Property Damage, Combined Single Limit, $2,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate
• Contractor’s Professional Liability (if required by Skyler)
a. Contractor’s Professional Liability Insurance $1,000,000 plus $1,000,000 Excess – Project Specific
• Architects/Engineers Professional Liability (if required by Skyler)
a. Architects/Engineers Professional Liability Insurance $2,000,000 plus $2,000,000 Excess – Project Specific
b. Coverage will be maintained for a period of five (5) years following Substantial Completion of last project.
• Pollution Liability Insurance (if required by Skyler)
a. Pollution Liability Insurance $1,000,000 per occurrence
4) Subcontractor and Vendor Qualifications Form
5) Subcontractor Safety Checklist
6) Subcontractor Incident Investigation
7) Subcontractor Master Services Agreement (“MSA”) – if completed only task orders have to be issued in future (IF YOU CHOSE NOT TO COMPLETE AN MSA, THEN AN EXECUTED SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT WILL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY NEW WORK)
8) Subcontract Agreement (“SA”) – default agreement to complete before every project if no MSA on file, non-negotiable terms
9) Subcontractor Health and Safety Plan – prior to commencing any work
10) Short Service Employee Program – if contract employee, or supplying daily or weekly labor